One of the biggest problems with most multivitamins in a pill or capsule form is that they are poorly absorbed. Recent research reveals that over 50% of the multivitamins tested under strict laboratory conditions did NOT disintegrate, and if your multivitamin doesn’t disintegrate you can’t get the benefits it promises to deliver.(15) nutreince’s liquid delivery system makes it up to 98% absorbable making sure you get what your body needs to achieve extraordinary health! Additionally, nutreince capsules are easy to to swallow and immediate release...tested to insure that disintegration takes place as promised.
You’d be angry if you thought you purchased a high-end sports car like a Porsche, but received a Yugo – right? Well, unfortunately that kind of bait and switch is common in the multivitamin world. Most manufactures use cheap, inferior forms of vitamins and minerals that are hard for your body to absorb. Or worse yet they don’t include them at all. Many times, these so called “complete” multivitamins are “completely lacking” at providing the beneficial quantities and forms of each essential micronutrient you need to achieve optimal health. And don’t be fooled by misleading manufactures supplying you with mega-doses of certain micronutrients either. In the world of multivitamin formulation, more is not always better – better is better.
Not only was nutreince specifically designed to meet the ABCs of Optimal Supplementation Guidelines, we went above and beyond to make sure we were making a multivitamin we would take ourselves. In addition to having 100% of the RDI for 20 essential micronutrients, 500 mg of calcium, 420 mg of magnesium, and 2000 IU of natural vitamin D3 (the amount emerging science is currently recommending for optimal health) nutreince also contains:
While the A (Absorption) and B (Beneficial Quantities and Forms) in our guidelines are extremely important for increasing the absorption and utilization potential of the multivitamin, pay close attention now, because the C (Micronutrient Competition) and S (Micronutrient Synergy) are the real game changers in supplemental science.
What most people DO know is that vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the body by attaching to receptor sites, or absorption pathways in the gastrointestinal tract, which act as docking locations for specific micronutrients. However, what most people DON’T know, it that the process of absorption can be more like an epic battle scene than a harmonious event. This display of combative behavior between micronutrients is one of the topics most commonly ignored by multivitamin manufacturers. It is called micronutrient competition or antagonism. Just as only one football team can win the Super Bowl, certain micronutrients compete with one another for absorption pathways (receptor sites) in your body. These competitive micronutrients will duke it out for domination of the receptor site, resulting in the absorption of one at the expense of the other.
Science has identified over 45 micronutrient competitions that have been shown to reduce the absorption, metabolization and/or utilization of individual micronutrients when combined in a typical multivitamin or nutritional supplement. (Take a look at the massive web of competitions that this creates.) This is one of the main reasons why medical science says that multivitamins don’t work and that nearly 80% of the vitamins and minerals in the typical multivitamin are literally flushed right down the toilet. (19)(20)(21)(22)(23)
Separating these competitive micronutrients is what makes nutreince’s formulation so far superior to other multivitamins, and we believe that it’s the main reason that Mira’s bones were able to rebuild so quickly and efficiently. Eliminating these competitions allowed the vitamins and minerals to finally do their jobs. It is literally like unlocking the door to the amazing health benefits of every micronutrient.
This technology is so advanced, and so unique, that we were given a US patent – we call it Anti-Competition™ Technology. It works by separating competing vitamins and minerals into different formulas to be taken at separate times during the day in order to naturally eliminate the competitions between competitive micronutrients without having to use artificial enteric coatings or synthetic chelation.
Just as antibiotics work to eliminate the dangerous effects of certain bacteria, Anti-Competition™ Technology eliminates the negative effects of micronutrient competition. Nutreince™, is the first and only multivitamin in the world to be formulated using Anti-Competition™ Technology to unlock the health enhancing power of the micronutrient.
And equally as important are the synergistic relationships between micronutrients, which work best when they work together. While micronutrient competition can completely block the benefits of competing micronutrients, micronutrient synergy can increase the absorption potential of certain micronutrients by as much as 200 percent! To put it metaphorically, consider the dynamic duo of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. They needed to work as a team to solve difficult cases, harnessing Holmes’s intellectual prowess and Dr. Watson’s scientific background. The same is true in the case of making the right micronutrients match. Simply put, some micronutrients work best when working together.
nutreince provides more than 85 of these health-enhancing micronutrient synergies to greatly increase the absorption and utilization of many essential micronutrients resulting in greater health benefits. (Check out the dynamic duos of synergies here) But make no mistake, these synergies can only take place if the micronutrient competitions have first been eliminated.(21)(24)(25)
The bottom line is, we are proud of nutreince’s formulation and believe nutreince to be the most complete, most advanced multivitamin in the world. It is our greatest desire that it can help to improve your health and the health of your family!